I used to cringe when I read blog posts where the author apologized for neglecting his/her blog. “It’s your responsibility to keep your blog updated! How dare you make the space and then not take the time to maintain it!” I thought arrogantly… Then I graduated my Honors degree and had to start working full-time, and my dedication slowly waned. So, yeah… I’m sorry…

None the less I have been very busy with incredibly exciting projects. InfinityCoZa has been my main focus, I redesigned the homepage and have received some fantastic feedback. Which inspired me to design some random stuff for the quick-growing brand.

I did some Hipster Guides, and loved it. There will be more coming soon, since the response has been so surprising, people really responded to these. Like Infinity’s Facebook page, or follow us on twitter, for updates.

I also made a “How To Make Friends” poster:

I’m full of ideas for guides like these… Soooo many projects… So little time… *sigh* But I did get to some graphic event reviews which you can find on the Facebook page if you’re interested. We’ll also be running competitions shortly, and publishing our adventure recommendations. I told you it was exciting stuff!

Then I’ve also started to work on my website which will showcase my new blog, my illustration and design portfolios. It will launch on ellaroo.co.za hopefully before the end of the year, but you’ll be the first to know when it does 🙂

It was nice writing again. Good for the heart, you know? I’ll post again soon.