Archives for category: adventures

I used to cringe when I read blog posts where the author apologized for neglecting his/her blog. “It’s your responsibility to keep your blog updated! How dare you make the space and then not take the time to maintain it!” I thought arrogantly… Then I graduated my Honors degree and had to start working full-time, and my dedication slowly waned. So, yeah… I’m sorry…

None the less I have been very busy with incredibly exciting projects. InfinityCoZa has been my main focus, I redesigned the homepage and have received some fantastic feedback. Which inspired me to design some random stuff for the quick-growing brand.

I did some Hipster Guides, and loved it. There will be more coming soon, since the response has been so surprising, people really responded to these. Like Infinity’s Facebook page, or follow us on twitter, for updates.

I also made a “How To Make Friends” poster:

I’m full of ideas for guides like these… Soooo many projects… So little time… *sigh* But I did get to some graphic event reviews which you can find on the Facebook page if you’re interested. We’ll also be running competitions shortly, and publishing our adventure recommendations. I told you it was exciting stuff!

Then I’ve also started to work on my website which will showcase my new blog, my illustration and design portfolios. It will launch on hopefully before the end of the year, but you’ll be the first to know when it does 🙂

It was nice writing again. Good for the heart, you know? I’ll post again soon.

I’ve posted about my collaboration with Infinity before, a new platform for venues, artists, bands, crews, events, etc. It’s been the single funnest thing I’ve ever gotten myself mixed up with, and it’s only just begun…

Infinity has undergone an epic transformation. This poster is my design announcing the arrival of the new superhero Mister Infinity. I helped to come up with the concept for the brand identity and the final design is by Brent Black (an incredible local talent). See the design on the website, or get to know the green man better by visiting his Facebook page, and stay up to date with his adventures on Twitter.

I’m also working on documenting his chronicles, and soon he’ll be joined by a whole team of characters, check in for the comicstrips.

I am very excited about my recent collaboration with Infinity, a local platform for musicians/venues/festivals/fans/technical crew/etc. The official website launched today, and it looks off the hook! Go look! Read what it’s all about and browse a bit. This guy’s on to something!

I wrote a review for the site on Lark’s gig at Arcade Empire Friday past entitled Your girl’s thinking about Inge. Check it out and tell us what you think.

I look forward to many more crazy adventures with Infinity! Watch that space and DON’T GET LEFT BEHIND.

“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”

Oscar Wilde, as quoted in The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

Anais Nin

“My dear fellow, who will let you?
That is not the point. The point is, who will stop me.”

Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead

I was awarded this lovely badge by olletron who authors Detrimentally Disgusted. Thank you, you friggin’ cupcake you! For poking your head in my jar and even leaving something behind every now and then.

I believe it is protocol to reveal seven things about myself next:

1. I live an unhealthy lifestyle.

2. But I try my damnedest to make the most of it.

3. I am very much in love with Dylan Moran…

4. …and Inge Beckmann from Lark.

5. I believe that dwelling in misery is downright dangerous.

6. I need at least 9 hours.

7. I strongly dislike Wings.

And the 15 blogs I award this badge to are:
(chosen from bloggers who recently commented on or followed my blog)

Current Location Wonderland
Cape Town Conservation
The Wit Continuum
Quoting Eccentricity
The Ambiguous Bomb
Sir Flamingo
The Eternal Loop
Graphic Design and Stuff
Fashion and Beauty in the Real World
Not a PhD Thesis
Cafe of the Cosmic Dance
Little Black Sandals
Looking for Nice Things
Life and Adventure

I remember looking forward to holiday crafts in December all year, I would get tons of DIY project books from the library. I like Phee’s site, she has lots of puppets and projects.
From Phee McFaddell.

I tend to limit myself, and more dangerously so, to convince myself that I do so for my own safety. When in truth I just like my comfort zones, I can pass an entire weekend on my bed behind my laptop with no complaint. But it’s not healthy. It is absolutely necessary to leave your room or desk to have an adventure! And working is no excuse, Nietzsche said; “All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking.” Go find inspiration.

I’ve missed out on a lot because I was busy, scared, intimidated, lazy, or disinterested. And I’ve learnt this lesson before, but it’s easy to slip back into old habits, so I keep reminding myself. It’s not the outside that’s icky it’s my perception that’s skewed.

I took this photo of the inside of a loo door in a weird Melville bar in Jo’burg last week.